Steps to create a blog with
- Go to
- Create a new account, If you didn't have before.
- Open
- Login with your Gmail account
- Click on "Create your Blog now"
- Now give blog title and choose domain
- Choose a template and click next.
- Your blog is created
- Click on start blogging button
- Then click on new post
- Give title of you post in TITLE textbox.
- Both HTML and simple wording can be inserted.
- You can preview your post by clicking PREVIEW button before publishing
- Save and Publish your post.
- Now your post is published and available for the audience.
- You can insert image by
- click on image button
- uploade an image from computer OR
- give a URL of the image
- you can set position(layout) of image
- You can change font
- Text color, size
- Text numbring
- click on link button to set a back-link