Friday, 15 November 2013

PhP 5.5.6 has been released yesterday.

All the users of PhP 5.5.5 should upgrade to this latest stable version.

By Default MySQL Server didn’t use a password to access it. And a default user name ‘root’ is used to access MySQL Server.

Manually we can set a new user name and a password to access MySQL Server.

·        Open this URL : http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
·        Click on the Privileges tab.
·        Here you may ‘Add a New User’ or edit privileges of default user.
·        Edit Privileges: User 'root'@'localhost'
·        Set a new password for default user ‘root’
·        Refresh the URL : http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

·        Now you will face an error like this:

It shows that you can not view Localhost without a password.


  • Open this file :
    • C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1\
  • Find this statement:
    • $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
  • And replace with this statement:
    • $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'yourpassword';  

Thursday, 7 November 2013

1)Purchasing of

15 Nov 2010 facebook purchased in 8.5 million dollar

2)LAW of  Island is written with the Help of facebook:

In 2011 LAW of Island was written with the help of facebook.

3)Mark Zuberg :: facebook Wall ID

it will redirect you to his wall.

4) $500 USD Prize

Find a bug in facebook and get prize of $500USD.

The biggest Company of smart phones SAMSUNG sends a new smart phone in the market, which have a different and rounded screen. Due to this feature its name is Glaxy Round.

LG have also announced few months before that they are currently working an rounded screen technology and in the start of next year they will send their rounded screens products in the market.

Specifications of Galaxy Round:

Screen             :                       5.7 inch Rounded 1080HD
Camera            :                       13 Megapixel
Processor         :                       2.3 Quad Core
RAM               :                       3GB

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Super Cookies by Google and Microsoft

Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are using cookies from last two centuries. But now its time to say Good Bye! to cookies because they are not fulfilling their requirements.

Including Google all the famous companies are in search of alternate to the cookies, which may fulfill their requirements.

Cookies are text files which are saved by Websites in visitor’s PC using Browser. In these text files the information (password etc) about the user is saved about the specific website.

Cookies are also used by many advertising sites to know the interests of the user, so that ads could be displayed to targeted user.

Internet is not bounded to use by PCs and Laptops only, but it could be used from Tablets and smart phones. So it is difficult for cookies to know that same user is using internet from smart phone and PC. So that cookies couldn’t store information about the same user on all devices.

That is the reason which force the companies to think cookies alternate.